§ 23-68-4 Safety standards established. The director of the department of health shall, by regulation, establishminimum safety standards for tanning facilities. The standards shall include,but not be limited to:
(1) Establishment of a maximum safe time of exposure toradiation and a maximum safe temperature at which tanning devices may beoperated;
(2) A requirement that a timer device be incorporated intoeach tanning device;
(3) A requirement that a patron at a tanning facility wearprotective eye glasses when using tanning equipment and that a patron besupervised as to the length of time the patron uses tanning equipment at thefacility;
(4) Requiring that the facility operator post easily legible,permanent warning signs near the tanning equipment which states: "Danger Ultra-violet radiation. Follow all instructions. Avoid overexposure"; as wellas a list, prepared by the director of the department of health, ofprescription and non-prescription drugs which may cause photosensitivity inpatients using a tanning center; and
(5) Require that the facility have protective shielding fortanning equipment in the facility.