§ 23-7.1-4 Powers and duties of thedirector. It shall be the responsibility of the director to administer this chapter. Inaddition to the other powers and duties granted in this chapter, the directorshall have and may exercise the following powers and duties:
(1) Exercise general supervision of the administration andenforcement of this chapter.
(2) Promulgate statewide minimum standards for rodent controland any other rules and regulations that may be necessary to further thepurposes of this chapter.
(3) Advise, consult, and cooperate with the local communitiesin furthering the purposes of this chapter.
(4) Assist the local communities in the preparation of rodentcontrol programs and in the preparation of applications to the federalgovernment for the financing of rodent control programs.
(5) Make agreements with local communities with respect tostate financing pursuant to this chapter and certify disbursements pursuant tothose agreements.
(6) Make available, so far as is feasible and practicable,technical and advisory assistance to aid the local communities in furtheringthe purposes of this chapter.
(7) Foster and establish continuing biological studies aspart of the department of health's program for the systematic control anderadication of rodents.
(8) Exercise all incidental powers necessary to carry out thepurposes of this chapter.