§ 23-7-10 Notice to cease operation. Whenever any city, town, or district commences any activity set forth in thischapter without first having obtained the written consent of the state mosquitoabatement board, or violates any rule or regulation of the board, the directorof the department of environmental management shall have the power by writtennotice to order the violator to cease and desist immediately. If the violatordoes not conform to the board's order, the director may bring prosecution bycomplaint and warrant and the prosecution shall be made in the district courtof the state. The director, without being required to enter into anyrecognizance or to give surety for cost, may institute those proceedings in thename of the state. It shall be the duty of the attorney general to conduct theprosecution of all of those proceedings brought by the director. The directormay obtain relief in equity or by prerogative writ whenever that relief shallbe necessary for the proper performance of his or her duties under §§23-7-1 23-7-15.