§ 23-7-8 Powers and duties of councils. With the prior approval and written consent of the state mosquito abatementboard, the council of the district shall have the power to take all necessaryor proper steps for the extermination of mosquitoes within the district and toabate as nuisances all stagnant pools of water and other breeding places formosquitoes within the district, to purchase supplies and materials and toemploy labor and assistants that may be necessary or proper in furtherance ofthe objects of the council, to build, construct, and repair and maintainnecessary levees, cuts, canals, or channels upon land within the district, andgenerally to do any and all things necessary or incident to powers granted andto carry out the objects specified in this section. Prior to adoption of adistrict mosquito abatement program, a public hearing must be held. A hearingrequired by a federal, state, or municipal agency on the program will sufficefor purposes of this section.