§ 23-74-9 Discovery Subpoenas. In all matters relating to the lawful activities of the department, thedirector may issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses and theproduction of all necessary papers, books, records, documents, and otherevidentiary material. Any person failing or refusing to appear or testifyregarding any matter about which the person may be lawfully questioned orfailing to produce any papers, books, records, documents or other evidentiarymaterials in the matter to be heard, after having been required by order of thedirector or by a subpoena of the director to do so may, upon application to thedistrict court in any district, be ordered to comply with the order orsubpoena. The director may administer oaths to witnesses or take theiraffirmation. Depositions may be taken within or without the state in the mannerprovided by law for the taking of depositions in civil actions. A subpoena orother process may be served upon a person it names anywhere within the state byany officer authorized to serve subpoenas or other process in civil actions inthe same manner as prescribed by law for service of process issued out of thedistrict court of this state.