§ 23-77-4 Creation of the Rhode Islandhealthcare information technology advisory committee. (a) The director of health shall establish a healthcare information technologyand infrastructure advisory committee to advise in the following matters:
(1) Assessment of use of healthcare information technology bythe state's licensed healthcare providers and facilities;
(2) Recommendations for implementing a statewideinteroperable healthcare information infrastructure to include estimates ofnecessary resources and for determining standards for administrative dataexchange, clinical support programs, and the maintenance of the security andconfidentiality of individual patient data;
(3) Criteria for selection of projects to be funded withmoneys from the fund;
(4) Other related issues as requested by the director ofhealth.
(b) The members of the healthcare information technology andinfrastructure advisory committee shall include the director or director'sdesignees of the departments of health and human services and additionalmembers to be appointed by the director of the department of health to includepersons representing Rhode Island licensed hospitals and other licensedfacilities/providers, the medical and nursing professions, health insurers andhealth plans, the state quality improvement organization and other parties,such as consumer advisory organizations, with an interest and expertise inhealth care information technology. The director may designate an existingstate nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is to improve healthcarequality to fulfill the responsibilities of the Rhode Island HealthcareInformation Technology Advisory Committee.