§ 23-78.1-3 Designation of Rhode Islandprimary stroke centers. (a) The director of the department of health shall establish a process torecognize primary stroke centers in Rhode Island. A hospital shall bedesignated as a "Rhode Island primary stroke center" if it has received acertificate of distinction for primary stroke centers issued by the jointcommission on accreditation of healthcare organizations (joint commission);
(b) The department of health shall recognize as manyhospitals as Rhode Island primary stroke centers as apply and are awardedcertification by the joint commission (or other nationally recognizedcertification body, if a formal process is developed in the future);
(c) The director of the department of health may suspend orrevoke a hospital's state designation as a Rhode Island primary stroke center,after notice and hearing, if the department of health determines that thehospital is not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.