§ 23-78.1-6 Continuous improvement ofquality of care for individuals with stroke. (a) The department of health shall establish and implement a plan for achievingcontinuous quality improvement in the quality of care provided under thestatewide system for stroke response and treatment. In implementing this plan,the department of health shall undertake the following activities:
(1) Develop incentives and provide assistance for sharinginformation and data among health care providers on ways to improve the qualityof care;
(2) Facilitate the communication and analysis of healthinformation and data among the health care professionals providing care forindividuals with stroke;
(3) Require the application of evidence-based treatmentguidelines regarding the transitioning of patients to community-based follow-upcare in hospital outpatient, physician office and ambulatory clinic settingsfor ongoing care after hospital discharge following acute treatment for astroke;
(4) Require primary stroke center hospitals and emergencymedical services agencies to report data consistent with nationally recognizedguidelines on the treatment of individuals with confirmed stroke within thestatewide system for stroke response and treatment;
(5) Analyze data generated by the statewide system on strokeresponse and treatment; and
(6) The department of health shall maintain a statewidestroke database that compiles information and statistics on stroke care thatalign with the stroke consensus metrics developed and approved by the AmericanHeart Association/American Stroke Association, Centers for Disease Control andPrevention and The Joint Commission. The department of health shall utilize GetWith The Guidelines Stroke as the stroke registry data platform or anothernationally recognized data set platform with confidentiality standards no lesssecure. To every extent possible, the department of health shall coordinatewith national voluntary health organizations involved in stroke qualityimprovement to avoid duplication and redundancy.
(b) Except to the extent necessary to address continuity ofcare issues, health care information shall not be provided in a format thatcontains individually-identifiable information about a patient. The sharing ofhealth care information containing individually-identifiable information aboutpatients shall be limited to that information necessary to address continuityof care issues, and shall otherwise be released in accordance with chapter 37.3of title 5 and subject to the confidentiality provisions required by thatchapter and by other relevant state and federal law.
(c) Annual reports. On June 1 after enactment of thischapter and annually thereafter, the department of health and the Rhode Islandstroke task force shall report to the general assembly on statewide progresstoward improving quality of care and patient outcomes under the statewidesystem for stroke response and treatment.