§ 23-78-2 Stroke task force Membership. (a) The director of the department of health, with consent of the president ofthe senate and the speaker of the house, may appoint a stroke task force toserve as a statewide commission designed to coordinate efforts in stroketreatment and prevention. The director may assign staff, upon availability offunds, to assist the task force. Members appointed to the task force mayinclude:
(1) Four (4) physicians actively involved in stroke care,with at least one (1) from each of the following fields:
(i) Neurology;
(ii) Neuroradiology;
(iii) Neurosurgery; and
(iv) Emergency care;
(2) One (1) registered professional nurse or nursepractitioner actively involved in stroke care;
(3) One (1) physician's assistant actively involved in strokecare;
(4) One (1) hospital administrator or designee from eachhospital that is designated as a Comprehensive Stroke Treatment Center by theNational Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations;
(5) One (1) representative from the EMS Ambulance ServiceAdvisory Board;
(6) One (1) representative from the public health fieldactively involved in public health education on stroke appointed by thedirector;
(7) One (1) representative from a stroke rehabilitationfacility appointed by the director;
(8) One (1) stroke survivor or caregiver appointed by thedirector;
(9) One (1) representative from the American StrokeAssociation;
(10) One (1) representative from Rhode Island QualityPartners or state-recognized Quality Improvement Organization (QIO); and
(11) One (1) representative from a minority healthorganization involved in stroke care.
(b) The task force shall advise the Rhode Island generalassembly, the governor, and director of the department of health and have thefollowing duties:
(1) Undertake a statistical and qualitative examination ofthe incidence and causes of stroke deaths and risks, including identificationof sub-populations at highest risk for developing stroke and develop a profileof the social and economic burden of stroke in Rhode Island;
(2) Receive and consider reports and testimony fromindividuals, state department of health, community-based organizations,voluntary health organizations, healthcare providers, and other public andprivate organizations statewide and of national significance to stroke to learnmore about their contributions to stroke prevention and treatment and theirideas for the improvement of stroke care in Rhode Island;
(3) Develop methods to publicize the profile of stroke burdenand its preventability in Rhode Island;
(4) Identify research-based strategies that are effective inpreventing and controlling risks for stroke based on the science available fromthe American Stroke Association and related organizations;
(5) Determine the burden that delayed or inappropriatetreatment has on the quality of patients' lives and the associated financialburden on them and the state;
(6) Study the economic impact of early stroke treatment withregard to quality of care, reimbursement issues, and rehabilitation;
(7) Research and determine what constitutes high quality forstroke and take action to ensure that the public and healthcare providers aresufficiently informed of the most effective strategies for stroke care;
(8) Evaluate the current system of treatment and developrecommendations to improve all aspects of the stroke chain of survival;
(9) Research and determine the most appropriate method tocollect data which shall include a record of the cases of stroke that occur inRhode Island and such information concerning the cases as it shall deemnecessary and appropriate in order to conduct thorough and completeepidemiological surveys of stroke and to apply appropriate preventative andcontrol measures;
(10) Identify best practices on stroke care in other statesand at the federal level that will improve stroke care in Rhode Island,including the feasibility and proposed structure of developing a stroke network;
(11) Research and obtain any public or private fundingavailable to improve stroke prevention and/or treatment in Rhode Island;
(12) Complete and maintain a statewide comprehensive strokeprevention and treatment plan to the general public, state and local officials,various public and private organizations and associations, business andindustries, agencies, potential funders, and other community resources;
(13) Develop a registry of all Ischemic and HemorrhagicStrokes that occur within the state to determine genetic and environmentalcontributors to strokes; and
(14) Identify and facilitate specific commitments to helpimplement the plan and all task force activities.
(c) The task force shall convene within one hundred andeighty (180) days of passage and shall submit a preliminary report to thedepartment, general assembly and the governor within one (1) year of the firstmeeting, within two (2) years of the first meeting, and a final report withinthree (3) years of the first meeting. The reports shall address the plans,actions, and resources needed to achieve its goals and progress in achievingimplementation of the plan to reduce the occurrence of and burden from strokein Rhode Island. The reports shall include an accounting of funds expended,funds received from grants, and anticipated funding needs and related costsavings for full implementation of recommended plans and programs. The taskforce will continue to submit reports annually thereafter on their progresstoward the implementation of the state plan.
(d) Any health care information requested or obtained by thetask force pursuant to subsections (b)(9), (b)(13), or otherwise in theperformance of its duties, shall be provided in a format that does not containindividually-identifiable information.