§ 23-8-2 Authority of the governor toauthorize immunization programs. Whenever it shall be determined by the governor that a voluntary massimmunization program is necessary to protect the health and welfare of thepeople, he or she may issue a proclamation authorizing the program, and a copyof the proclamation shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. Allindividuals or public or private agencies that participate in the authorizedmass immunization projects shall not be liable to any person who experiences orpurports to experience adverse effects arising from the immunization orattendant procedures; provided, however, that informed consent is obtained.Nothing in this chapter shall exempt from liability for gross negligence anyindividual or public or private agency participating in an authorized massimmunization project, nor shall the provisions of this chapter exempt any drugmanufacturer from any liability, regardless of the degree of negligence for anydrug or vaccine used in the projects.