§ 23-8-21 Ship quarantine powers preserved Local enforcement of quarantine Rules and regulations Penalty. Nothing in §§ 23-8-18 23-8-20 shall be construed to impair thevalidity of any rules and regulations made and in force under the provisions of§§ 23-9-1 23-9-11, nor to abridge the powers of any officermentioned in §§ 23-9-1 23-9-11; and every officer shall alsohave power, within the city or town for which he or she was appointed, toenforce, during the period that any proclamation made by the governor for thepurpose of establishing quarantine shall be in force, all rules and regulationsmade by the state director of health; and it shall be the duty of the severalcity and town councils to require those officers to enforce the rules andregulations mentioned and referred to in this section within their respectivecities and towns; provided, that the director of health, during the period whenany proclamation of quarantine shall be in force, shall have power at any time,and from time to time, to suspend any of the rules and regulations mentionedand referred to in this section, and to make and establish rules andregulations in substitution for them and in addition to them, respectingquarantine in any city or town, and that any person knowingly violating any ofthose rules and regulations so made and established shall, upon conviction, befined not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) or be imprisoned not more than two(2) years; and provided, further, that any and all powers and duties in thischapter conferred and imposed upon any officer or city or town council shall,during any quarantine period, be exercised and performed by that officer orcity or town council subject to the orders and directions of the director ofhealth.