§ 23-80-2 Legislative findings. (a) Patients are at greater risk of injury, including skin tears, falls, andmusculoskeletal injuries, when being lifted, transferred, or repositionedmanually.
(b) Safe patient handling can reduce skin tears suffered bypatients by threefold, and can significantly reduce other injuries to patientsas well.
(c) Health care workers lead the nation in work-relatedmusculoskeletal disorders. Between thirty-eight percent (38%) and fifty percent(50%) of nurses and other health care workers will suffer a work-related backinjury during their career. Forty-four percent (44%) of these workers will beunable to return to their pre-injury position.
(d) Research indicates that nurses lift an estimated 1.8 tonsper shift. Eighty-three percent (83%) of nurses work in spite of back pain, andsixty percent (60%) of nurses fear a disabling back injury. Twelve percent(12%) to thirty-nine percent (39%) of nurses not yet disabled are consideringleaving nursing due to back pain and injuries.
(e) Safe patient handling reduces injuries and costs. In nine(9) case studies evaluating the impact of lifting equipment, injuries decreasedsixty percent (60%) to ninety-five percent (95%), Workers' Compensation costsdropped by ninety-five percent (95%), and absenteeism due to lifting andhandling was reduced by ninety-eight percent (98%).