§ 23-81-3.1 Establishment of health careplanning and accountability advisory council. Contingent upon funding:
(a) The health care planning and accountability advisorycouncil shall be appointed by the secretary of the executive office of healthand human services and the director of health, no later than January 31, 2008,to develop and promote recommendations on the health care system in the form ofhealth planning documents described in subsection 23-81-4(a).
(b) The secretary of the executive office of health and humanservices and the director of health shall serve as co-chairs of the health careplanning council.
(c) The department of health shall be the principal staffagency of the council to develop analysis of the health care system for use bythe council, including, but not limited to, health planning studies and healthplan documents; making recommendations for the council to consider foradoption, modification and promotion; and ensuring the continuous and efficientfunctioning of the health care planning council.
(d) The health care planning council shall consist of, butnot be limited to, the following:
(1) Five (5) consumer representatives. A consumer is definedas someone who does not directly or through a spouse or partner receive any ofhis/her livelihood from the health care system. Consumers may be nominated fromthe labor unions in Rhode Island; the health care consumer advocacyorganizations in Rhode Island, the business community; and organizationsrepresenting the minority community who have an understanding of the linguisticand cultural barriers to accessing health care in Rhode Island;
(2) One hospital CEO nominated from among the hospitals inRhode Island;
(3) One physician nominated from among the primary carespecialty societies in Rhode Island;
(4) One physician nominated from among the specialtyphysician organizations in Rhode Island;
(5) One nurse or allied health professional nominated fromamong their state trade organizations in Rhode Island;
(6) One practicing nursing home administrator, nominated by along-term care provider organization in Rhode Island;
(7) One provider from among the community mental healthcenters in Rhode Island;
(8) One representative from among the community healthcenters of Rhode Island;
(9) One person from a health professional learninginstitution located in Rhode Island;
(10) Health Insurance Commissioner;
(11) Director of the department of human services;
(12) CEOs of each health insurance company that administersthe health insurance of ten percent (10%) or more of insured Rhode Islanders;
(13) The speaker of the house or designated representative;
(14) The house minority leader or designated representative;
(15) The president of the senate or designated senator;
(16) The senate minority leader or designated representative;and
(17) The health care advocate of the department of theattorney general.