§ 23-82-2 Legislative findings. It is hereby found and declared by the general assembly as follows:
(1) Scientific findings indicate that the increase ingreenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, is accelerating the naturalgreenhouse effect resulting in changes in the Earth's climate;
(2) Climate changes pose serious health risks to humans, aswell as danger to ecosystems worldwide;
(3) This act creates a strong incentive for the creation,development, and deployment of more efficient technologies and processes,energy efficiency and renewable energy supplies which will lead to lessdependence on the import of fossil fuels.
(4) Rhode Island's implementation of the Regional GreenhouseGas Initiative, (hereinafter referred to as "RGGI"), should be managed tomaximize the state's contribution to lowering carbon emissions while minimizingimpacts on electric system reliability and costs to Rhode Island powerconsumers over the long term. Adoption and use of cost-effectiveenergy-efficient products and programs and the strategic use of low and zerocarbon generation are the best means to achieve these goals.
(5) It is the intent of the general assembly in enacting thischapter that the state of Rhode Island shall fulfill the mutual understandingsand commitments of the regional greenhouse gas initiative so that the state mayfully participate in that initiative and all sales or auctions and otherproceedings as may be established under that initiative.