§ 23-82-4 Regional greenhouse gasinitiative implementation. (a) The department shall, in consultation with the public utilities commission,the office and the council, through rules and regulations, establish thestate's rules for participation in RGGI.
(b) The department's rules and regulations for participationin a carbon cap and trade program shall be designed to meet the mutualunderstandings and commitments for participation in RGGI, and permit theholders of carbon allowances to trade them in a regional market to beestablished through the RGGI.
(c) The department's rules and regulations shall ensure thatthe carbon allowances under this program and the revenues associated with theirsale are used exclusively for the purposes contained in this legislation.
(d) The responsibilities created by implementing RGGI shallbe in addition to all other responsibilities imposed by any other general orspecial law or rule or regulation and shall not diminish or reduce any power orauthority of the department, including the authority to adopt standards andregulations necessary for the state to join and fully participate in anymulti-state program, at any stage in the development and implementation of sucha program, intended to control emissions of carbon dioxide and/or othersubstances that are determined by the department to be damaging and/or alteringthe climate.