§ 23-83-3 Notification of option to donateumbilical cord blood. (a) At a time determined to be appropriated by the treating clinician, inconsultation with the patient, after the first trimester of pregnancy, and assoon as reasonably feasible, every obstetrical professional or facility in thestate shall inform the pregnant woman once during her pregnancy of thefollowing options relating to stem cells that are contained in her umbilicalcord blood after the delivery of her child:
(1) Donate the stem cells to a public umbilical cord bloodbank;
(2) Store the stem cells at the patient's expense in a familyumbilical cord blood bank for use by the immediate family and extended familymembers;
(3) Store the stem cells for family use through a family orsibling donor banking program that provides free collection, processing andstorage where there is a medical need; or
(4) Discard the stem cells.
(b) A person who acts in good faith pursuant to this sectionis not subject to civil or criminal liability or professional discipline forthose acts.
(c) Any obstetrical professional or facility receivingfinancial remuneration for the collection, processing, or transport ofumbilical cord blood shall provide written disclosure of this information tothe pregnant woman at the time that the notification of options for umbilicalcord blood collection and donation is made pursuant to § 23-83-3.
(d) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require apatient to donate her umbilical cord blood.