§ 24-1-13 Unknown owners. If any real property or any estate or interest therein is unclaimed or held bya person or persons whose whereabouts are unknown, after making inquirysatisfactory to the superior court for the county in which the real propertylies, the city or town council, after the expiration of two (2) years from thefirst publication of the copy of the resolution and description and plat, maypetition the court that the value of the estate or interest of the unknownperson or persons be determined. After such notice by publication to the personor persons as the court in its discretion may order, and after a hearing on thepetition, the court shall fix the value of the estate or interest and shallorder a sum to be deposited in the registry of the court in a special accountto accumulate for the benefit of the person or persons, if any, entitledthereto. The receipt of the clerk of the superior court therefor shallconstitute a discharge of the city or town from all liability in connectionwith the taking. When the person entitled to the money deposited shall havesatisfied the superior court of his or her right to receive the same, the courtshall cause it to be paid over to the person, with all accumulations thereon.