§ 24-10.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Information center" means an area or site establishedand maintained as safety rest areas for the purpose of informing the public ofplaces of interest within the state and providing such other information as thedirector of transportation may consider desirable.
(2) "Interstate system" means that portion of the nationalsystem of interstate and defense highways located within this state, asofficially designated, or as may hereafter be so designated, by the director oftransportation, and approved pursuant to the provisions of title 23, UnitedStates Code, Highways.
(3) "Maintenance" means the normal repair of outdooradvertising due to wear and tear. Maintenance shall not include the relocationnor the increase of advertisement size nor height. Maintenance shall not permitany alterations such as the addition of face lighting nor lit panels, movingparts, sparkling surfaces, cutouts nor temporary extensions of advertisingspace.
(ii) Maintenance shall permit the change in the advertisementcopy by means of trivision technology or other equivalent technology approvedby the department of transportation and, if necessary, the federal highwayadministration; provided, however, for each sign using such technology two (2)valid permits for signs of equivalent size shall be required. Provided,further, however, that in the event that a person, firm or corporation does nothold more than one permit, only one permit for signs of equivalent size shallbe required.
(4) "Outdoor advertising" means an outdoor sign, display,light, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard,structure, or other thing which is designed, intended or used to advertise orinform, any part of the advertising or information contents of which is visiblefrom any place on the main-traveled way of the interstate, primary, orsecondary systems.
(5) "Primary systems" means that portion of connected mainhighways, as officially designated, or as may hereafter be so designated, bythe director of transportation, pursuant to the provisions of title 23, UnitedStates Code, Highways.
(6) "Safety rest area" means an area or site established andmaintained within or adjacent to the right-of-way by or under publicsupervision or control, for the convenience of the traveling public.
(7) "Secondary systems" means that portion of statemaintained roads that are neither interstate nor primary roads.