§ 24-10.1-6 Compensation for removal ofadvertising. (a) Any person, firm, association, or corporation having any property interesteither in any real property upon which is located any prohibited advertisingsign, display, or device, or having any property interest in any prohibitedadvertising sign, display, or device, or having any property interest in both,shall be justly compensated by the director of transportation for any damagessustained by reason of the removal of the following prohibited advertisingsigns, displays, and devices:
(1) Those lawfully in existence as of May 6, 1966.
(2) Those lawfully on any highway made a part of theinterstate or primary system on or after May 6, 1966 and before January 1, 1968.
(3) Those lawfully erected on or after January 1, 1968.
(b) Compensation is authorized to be paid only for thefollowing:
(1) The taking, by virtue of the enactment of this chapter,from the owner of a prohibited sign, display or device of all right, title,leasehold, and interest in the sign, display or device; and
(2) The taking, by virtue of the enactment of this chapter,from the owner of the real property on which the prohibited sign, display, ordevice is located, of the right to erect and maintain such signs, displays, anddevices thereon.
(c) Any person or party so entitled to compensation whocannot agree with the director of transportation as to the amount of justcompensation to which he or she is so entitled, by virtue of the enactment ofthis chapter, may within one year from the time that the removal of suchadvertising is required apply for the damages to the superior court inaccordance with the procedures of §§ 37-6-18 through 37-6-23.