§ 24-12-15 Representation of incompetentlandowners. If any lands, or interests therein, in which any infant or other person notcapable in law to act in his or her own behalf is interested, are taken by theauthority under the provisions of this chapter, the superior court, upon thefiling therein of any petition by or in behalf of an infant or other person,may appoint a guardian ad litem for the infant or other person, and theguardian may appear and be heard in behalf of the infant or other person; andthe guardian may also with the advice and consent of the superior court andupon such terms as the superior court may prescribe, release to the authorityall claims for damages for the lands of the infant or other person or for anyinterests therein. Any lawfully appointed, qualified, and acting guardian orother fiduciary of the estate of any infant or other person, with the approvalof the court of probate within this state having jurisdiction to authorize thesale of lands and properties within this state of any infant or other person,may, before the filing of any petition, agree with the authority upon theamount of damages suffered by the infant or other person by any taking of hisor her lands or of his or her interests in any lands, and may, upon receivingthe amount, release to the authority all claims of damages of the infant orother person for the taking.