§ 24-12-37 Penalty for nonpayment of toll. (a) Any person who uses any project and fails or refuses to pay the tollprovided therefor shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundreddollars ($100). Toll evasion violators shall receive a traffic violationsummons which shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the traffic tribunal.
(b) It is unlawful for any person or business, other than anauthorized representative of the authority: (i) to sell, offer for sale orattempt to sell tokens, tickets, passes or other evidences of payment issuedfor passage on any project of the authority, including but not limited to, theClaiborne Pell Bridge, if originally issued by the authority pursuant to anyprogram of the authority providing for a reduced rate of toll based uponfrequency of use of the project, volume of tokens, passes or other evidences ofpayment purchased, or method of payment for the toll; or (ii) to sell, offerfor sale, or attempt to sell tokens, passes or other evidences of paymentissued for passage on any project of the authority, including but not limitedto, the Claiborne Pell Bridge for a profit. Any person or business who is foundin violation of this subsection shall be punished, for each offense, by a fineof not more than five hundred dollars ($500).