§ 24-12-5 Power to construct, reconstruct,renovate, acquire, maintain, repair, operate or manage projects or additionalfacilities and to issue bonds. In order to facilitate vehicular traffic, remove many of the present handicapsand hazards on the congested highways in the state, alleviate the barrierscaused by large bodies of water, and promote the agricultural and industrialdevelopment of the state, the Rhode Island turnpike and bridge authority ishereby authorized and empowered: to construct the Newport Bridge, the turnpike,any portion thereof or any additional facility hereafter authorized to beconstructed; to acquire the Mount Hope Bridge and any additional facilityhereafter authorized to be acquired (except the Sakonnet River Bridge); tomaintain, construct, reconstruct, renovate, acquire, repair, operate or manageany project or projects; and to issue bonds of the authority as provided inthis chapter to finance any project or projects; provided, however, that theMount Hope Bridge shall only be acquired as provided for by § 24-12-40A.