§ 24-5-4 Appropriations expended underdepartment of transportation State aid. Whenever any town shall make an annual appropriation equal to or in addition tothe sum of twenty cents ($.20) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of theratable property of such town, and whenever the electors at the meeting shalldirect that the appropriation be expended under the care and direction of thedepartment of transportation, the town shall be entitled to state aid in thecare and maintenance of its public highways, causeways, and bridges, other thanstate highways, in the following amount: A sum of money not exceeding one-fifth( 1/5) of the money appropriated as aforesaid by any town, out of any moneyspecifically appropriated by the general assembly to be used and expended bythe department of transportation for the repair, care, and maintenance ofpublic highways, causeways, and bridges in the respective towns; and the statecontroller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his or her order upon thegeneral treasurer for the money so appropriated, upon proper vouchers signed bythe director of transportation. Whenever the electors at the meeting shalldirect the appropriation as aforesaid to be expended under the direction of thedepartment of transportation, the town treasurer of the town shall pay suchhighway bills for highway expenditures in the town as are properly audited bythe director of transportation, not exceeding the amount of the town'sappropriation.