§ 24-8.1-2 Relocation of utilityfacilities necessitated by highway construction. Notwithstanding any provision of law or of any charter or statute, general orspecial, to the contrary, whenever state initiated relocation of utilityfacilities in the state, owned by private corporations, private companies,municipalities, political subdivisions, authorities, or agencies of the state,whether within or without the limits of public ways, shall become necessary inconnection with a highway project on the federal aid primary or secondarysystems or on the national system of interstate and defense highways, includingextensions thereof, for which the state shall be entitled under any law of theUnited States to reimbursement from federal funds for any portion of the costof the project, then the state may order the relocation of the utilityfacilities, and the private corporation, private company, municipality,political subdivision, agencies of the state, or authority owning or operatingthe facilities shall promptly relocate the facilities in accordance with theorder and the state shall pay the cost of the relocation to the utility as partof the cost of the federally aided highway project. The state shall pay areasonable amount to private corporations and private companies for therelocation of utilities commencing with highway projects that are authorizedfor construction after March 1, 1976.