§ 24-8-17 Determination and payment ofappropriations to the state, cities, and towns. The amounts which the state, cities, and towns shall receive from theappropriations provided for in this chapter, shall annually be determined bythe state controller upon filing by the director of transportation of a reportsetting forth the number of miles of roads within the state and within eachcity and town which are functionally classified as: principal arterials, minorarterials, major collectors, minor collectors, and urban collectors, and withineach city and town of the total number of motor vehicle registrations. Thestate controller is hereby authorized and directed, upon receipt by him or herof the report as provided in this section, to draw his or her orders upon thegeneral treasurer in favor of the respective state budget officer for thepayment of such sums, as may from time to time be required, or become due tothe respective state, city, or town under the provisions of this chapter.Nothing in this section shall affect the federal aid transportation program.