§ 24-8-34 Regulation of access. (a) The legislature recognizes the need for the director of the department oftransportation to establish and maintain the safe condition and integrity ofstate roads. Accordingly, the director is authorized to regulate direct vehicleaccess to state roads in situations whereby access may reasonably tend toaffect the safe condition and integrity of state roads. This includes theauthority to regulate the type, location, and width of roadways and drivewaysat their intersection with state highways and the authority to regulateconstruction within state highway right-of-ways.
(b) Requests for access must be made in writing to thedirector, the local planning board and the chief elected or appointed officialin a city or town at the same time and in a manner prescribed by the director.The director shall promulgate rules and regulations which prescribe theconditions under which requests will be granted. These rules and regulationsshall apply prospectively and shall be based on accepted engineering andconstruction standards.
(c) The director may provide written notice and comments onthe proposed access or alterations to the planning board and the chief electedor appointed official of the city or town in which the state highway is locatedfor all commercial and residential physical alteration permit applicationsfiled with the department and shall afford the planning board and the chiefelected or appointed official of the city or town with the ability to providewritten comments on the request.