§ 24-8-7 Specifications for curbs andsidewalks. Whenever and wherever the director of transportation shall order and cause thebuilding and construction of curbs and sidewalks as provided in this chapter,the curb shall be made and constructed of a suitable and hard material. Thecurb shall be set and shall not project above the edge of the highway more thantwelve inches (12") nor less than four inches (4"). The width of the curb atthe top shall not be more than twelve inches (12") and not less than fourinches (4"). The sidewalk shall be made and constructed of a suitable and hardmaterial with a smooth hard finished surface or face. Whenever and whereverfeasible and practical, the surface or face of the sidewalk shall be set andlaid flush with the top of the curb and shall not be less than four feet (4')wide from the inside top edge of the curb.