§ 25-1-1 General holidays enumerated. The first day of January or, in the event that day is a Saturday or Sunday,then state employees will celebrate the holiday on the following Monday (as NewYear's Day), the third Monday of January (as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'sBirthday), the third Monday of February (as Washington's Birthday), the fourthday of May (as Rhode Island Independence Day), the last Monday of May (asMemorial Day), the fourth day of July or, in the event that day is a Saturdayor Sunday, then state employees will celebrate the holiday on the followingMonday (as Independence Day), the second Monday of August (as Victory Day), thefirst Monday of September (as Labor Day), the second Monday of October (asColumbus Day), the eleventh day of November or, in the event that day is aSaturday or Sunday, then state employees will celebrate the holiday on thefollowing Monday (as Veterans' Day), the twenty-fifth day of December, or inthe event that day is a Saturday or Sunday, then state employees will celebratethe holiday on the following Monday (as Christmas Day), and each of the abovedays in every year, or when either of the above days falls on the first day ofthe week, then the day following it, the Tuesday next after the first Monday inNovember in each year in which a general election of state officers is held (aselection day), the first day of every week (commonly called Sunday), and anyother days as the governor or general assembly of this state or the presidentor the congress of the United States shall appoint as holidays for any purpose,days of thanksgiving, or days of solemn fast, shall be holidays.