§ 25-1-5 Saturday closing of publicoffices. The several administrative offices of state and municipal governments mayremain closed on any Saturday or Saturdays by executive order of the governorin the case of state administrative government and in the case of a municipalgovernment by the adoption of a resolution by the municipal council. AnySaturday when the several administrative offices of state, city, and towngovernments, or any branch, division, or independent agency of the state ormunicipality shall remain closed pursuant to the provisions of this sectionshall, with respect to the closed administrative office, branch, division, orindependent agency of the state or municipality be a holiday for the purpose ofchapter 3 of title 6A. If any state or municipal administrative offices, or anybranch, division, or independent agency of the state or municipality shallclose on any Saturday pursuant to the provisions of this section, any act whichwould be required to be performed on any Saturday at or by the administrativeoffice, or any branch, division, or independent agency, of the state ormunicipality, if the administrative office, branch, division, or independentagency of the state or municipality were not closed, shall be performed on thenext succeeding business day, and any act which would be authorized orpermitted to be performed on any Saturday at or by the administrative office,or any branch, division, or independent agency of the state or municipality ifthe administrative office, branch, division, or independent agency were notclosed, may be performed on the next succeeding business day. No liability orloss of rights of any kind shall result from the failure to perform any ofthose acts while closed on any Saturday.