§ 25-2-13 White Cane Safety Day Declaration of policy. It is the policy of this state:
(1) To encourage and enable persons with vision impairmentsto participate fully in the social and economic life of the state and to engagein remunerative employment;
(2) To be employed in the state service, the service of thepolitical subdivisions of the state, in the public schools, and in all otheremployment supported in whole or in part by public funds on the same terms andconditions as the able bodied, unless it is shown that the particulardisability prevents the performance of the work involved;
(3) To have the same right as the able bodied to the full andfree use of the streets, highways, sidewalks, walkways, public buildings,public facilities, and other public places; and
(4) To be entitled to full and equal accommodations,advantages, facilities, and privileges of all common carriers, airplanes, motorvehicles, railroad trains, motor buses, street cars, boats, or any other publicconveyances or modes of transportation, hotels, lodging places, places ofpublic accommodation, amusement, or resort, and other places to which thegeneral public is invited, subject only to the conditions and limitationsestablished by law and applicable alike to all persons.