§ 27-1-12 Summons of witnesses Obstruction or refusal to testify. The insurance commissioner, or the commissioner's duly authorized agent, maysummon and examine under oath all directors, officers, and other agents of theinsurance company and any other witnesses as the commissioner may think properin relation to the affairs, transactions, and condition of the company. Anydirector, officer, agent, or other person who refuses without justifiable causeto appear and testify whenever required, or who in any way obstructs thecommissioner or the commissioner's agent in the discharge of his or her dutiesas prescribed in this chapter, shall be fined not exceeding five thousanddollars ($5,000) or be imprisoned not exceeding two (2) years, and if theperson refusing or obstructing is a director, officer, or agent of the company,the company may also be proceeded against.