§ 27-10.1-8 Drive-in claim centers. (a) No insurance company employee or property damage appraiser shall request oradvise any motor vehicle owner or operator to operate his or her vehicle on anypublic thoroughfare for the purpose of obtaining a written estimate of damageat a drive-in claims center, unless it is ascertained that the vehicle meetssafety requirements as determined by the department of transportation.
(b) A vehicle shall be deemed unsafe for driving pursuant tothe provisions of this section if the vehicle has:
(1) Damage to its unitized body construction;
(2) Damage to its hood catch which would probably result inan unexpected opening;
(3) Damage to the front suspension;
(4) Metal in contact with any tire;
(5) Any door which can't be easily opened or which opensunexpectedly;
(6) Inoperable tail lights;
(7) Broken glass affixed to the vehicle or a crackedwindshield; or
(8) Any other condition deemed to be unsafe by the departmentof transportation pursuant to rules and regulations.