§ 27-10-6 Minimum percentage of licensedadjusters Examination of applicants. Any person who desires to act as an insurance claim adjuster or who is employedby an insurance company doing business in the state of Rhode Island and desiresto act within the state as an insurance adjuster shall make a writtenapplication to the insurance commissioner for a license to engage in this typeof business. All insurance claims adjusters and those employed by insurancecompanies in the state of Rhode Island as of January 1, 1976, who hold currentand valid licenses including all persons engaged in the business of publicadjusting as of June 12, 1985 shall automatically qualify for a license tohandle the various lines of business for which they are qualified. Insuranceclaim adjusters who have less than one year's experience adjusting claims shallbe classified as trainees and it will be necessary for them to obtain a licenseto adjust claims in the state of Rhode Island in accordance with the provisionsof this section. No insurance company shall have more than twenty-five percent(25%) of its insurance claim adjusters in a trainee classification where thatadjusting force consists of at least ten (10) people; this shall not apply tocompany training programs to qualify personnel in other jurisdictions. Aminimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the insurance claim adjusters in anyclaims office shall be licensed insurance claim adjusters in the state of RhodeIsland. The commissioner shall subject the applicant to a written examinationas to his or her competency to act as an insurance claim adjuster. Theseexaminations shall be conducted at the discretion of the commissioner, but inno event less than quarterly.