§ 27-14.4-9 Proof of controverted claimsof nonresidents. Controverted claims belonging to claimants residing in reciprocal states mayeither: (1) be proved in this state as provided by law, or (2) if ancillaryproceedings have been commenced in those reciprocal states, be proved in thoseproceedings. In the event a claimant elects to prove his or her claim inancillary proceedings, if notice of the claim and opportunity to appear and beheard is afforded the domiciliary receiver of this state as provided in §27-14.4-11 with respect to ancillary proceedings in this state, the finalallowance of that claim by the courts in the ancillary state shall be acceptedin this state as conclusive as to its amount, and shall also be accepted asconclusive as to its priority, if any, against special deposits or othersecurity located within the ancillary state.