§ 27-18.1-2 Definitions. (a) "Blanket or group policy of insurance" means any accident and sicknessinsurance policy made exempt from the provisions of chapter 18 of this title bythe operation of § 27-18-19(3).
(b) "Contract providing a health benefit or benefits" means apolicy of accident and health insurance which provides a health benefit or thatpart of a policy, which provides other benefits in addition to health benefits,which does provide health benefits. It also means a subscriber contract offeredby a health maintenance organization or by any nonprofit service corporation,whether or not the contract is described as providing health maintenanceorganization benefits.
(c) "Health benefit" means benefit or health benefit asdefined in § 42-62-4.
(d) "Health maintenance organization" means a "qualifiedhealth maintenance organization" as referred to in § 42-62-9.
(e) "Insurance company" means a domestic insurance companyincorporated by the general assembly and subject to chapter 1 of this title, ora foreign insurance company licensed to do business in Rhode Island and subjectto chapter 2 of this title.
(f) "Nonprofit service corporation" means a nonprofithospital service corporation as defined in chapter 19 of this title, anonprofit medical service corporation as defined in chapter 20 of this title, anonprofit dental service corporation as defined in chapter 20.1 of this title,or a nonprofit optometric service corporation as defined in chapter 20.2 ofthis title.
(g) "Policy of accident and sickness insurance" means apolicy of accident and sickness insurance as defined in chapter 18 of thistitle, and, in addition, means any blanket or group policy of insurance, asdefined in subsection (a) of this section.