§ 27-18-31 Insurance coverage for servicesof licensed midwives. (a) For the purposes of this section, "licensed midwives" means any midwifelicensed under § 23-13-9.
(b) Every individual or group hospital or medical expenseinsurance policy or individual or group hospital or medical services plancontract delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed in this state shall providecoverage for the services of licensed midwives in accordance with each healthinsurers' respective principles and mechanisms of reimbursement credentialingand contracting if the services are within the licensed midwives' area ofprofessional competence as defined by regulations promulgated pursuant to§ 23-13-9, and are currently reimbursed when rendered by any otherlicensed health care provider. No insurer or hospital or medical servicecorporation may require supervision, signature, or referral by any other healthcare provider as a condition of reimbursement, except when those requirementsare also applicable to other categories of health care providers. No insurer orhospital or medical service corporation or patient may be required to pay forduplicate services actually rendered by both a licensed midwife and any otherhealth care provider. Direct payment for licensed midwives will be contingentupon services rendered in a licensed health care facility and for servicesrendered in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the departmentof health; provided, that this provision shall not prohibit payment forservices pursuant to § 42-62-26 or for other services reimbursed by thirdparty payors.