§ 27-19.2-5 Composition of the board ofdirectors. (a) Notwithstanding any public law, rule or regulation to the contrary, six (6)positions on the board of directors of a nonprofit hospital and/or medicalservice corporation, shall be filled by public appointment for a maximum ofthree (3) three (3) year terms. Public appointment of two (2) of the directorsshall be made by the Governor, two (2) shall be made by the Speaker of theHouse, and two (2) shall be made by the President of the Senate. Neither stateemployees nor elected state officials shall serve as public members of theboard of directors. Each appointing authority shall make one such appointmenton or after July 1, 2004, and the remaining will be made on or after July 1,2005. Once appointed, public members may only be removed in accordance with thebylaws of the nonprofit hospital and/or medical service corporation. Whensufficient public appointments have been made, vacancies shall thereafter befilled for a maximum of three (3) three (3) year terms as the board ofdirectors may determine, and consistent with subsection (2) hereof, except thatseats filled by public appointment pursuant to this subsection shall alwaysremain subject to such public appointment, upon the resignation, removal,incapacity or retirement of the incumbent public appointee. Public appointeesshall not constitute a majority of the board.
(2) Future vacancies not filled by public appointmentpursuant to subsection (1) hereof shall be filled by an open and public processof recruitment and appointment, to be determined by the board and within itsdiscretion, but to include public solicitation of candidates.
(3) At the end of their term, directors shall continue toserve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Nothing hereinprevents the reappointment of a board member presently serving.
(4) Public appointees may not:
(i) Be employed by or have a financial interest in:
(A) A nonprofit hospital and/or medical service plan or itsaffiliates or subsidiaries;
(B) A person regulated under this article; or
(ii) Within three (3) years before appointment, have beenemployed by, had a financial interest in or have received compensation from:
(A) A nonprofit hospital and/or medical service plan or itsaffiliates or subsidiaries; or
(B) A person regulated under this article.
(b) An officer or employee of a nonprofit hospital and/ormedical service plan or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries may not beappointed or elected to the board.
(c) Each standing committee shall have representation fromthe public appointee members.