§ 27-20-55 Licensed ambulance service. (a) No individual or group health insurance contract, plan or policy delivered,issued for delivery, or renewed in this state on or after January 1, 2009 shallprovide for a co-payment for ground ambulance services in excess of fiftydollars ($50.00).
(b) As used in this section, the term "ground ambulanceservices" shall mean those services provided by an ambulance service licensedto operate in Rhode Island in accordance with § 23-4.1-6. The termexcludes air and water ambulance services and ambulance services providedoutside of Rhode Island.
(c) This section shall not apply to insurance coverageproviding benefits for: (1) hospital confinement indemnity; (2) disabilityincome; (3) accident only; (4) long-term care; (5) Medicare supplement; (6)limited benefit health; (7) specified disease indemnity; (8) sickness or bodilyinjury or death by accident or both; and (9) other limited benefit policies.