§ 27-29.1-10 Costs of enforcement. The total cost of the enforcement of §§ 27-29.1-3 and 27-29.1-8 shallbe borne by the pharmacy benefits manager(s) and/or the insurer(s) against whomthe complaint is made on an equal basis and shall include the followingexpenses:
(1) One hundred fifty percent (150%) of the total salariesand benefits paid to the personnel of the department of business regulationengaged in the enforcement less any salary reimbursement;
(2) All reasonable technology costs related to theenforcement process. Technology costs shall include the actual cost of softwareand hardware utilized in the enforcement process and the cost of trainingpersonnel in the proper use of the software or hardware;
(3) All necessary and reasonable education and training costsincurred by the state to maintain the proficiency and competence of theenforcing personnel. All these costs shall be incurred in accordance with theappropriate state of Rhode Island regulations, guidelines and procedures.