§ 27-29-14 Confidentiality of insuranceinformation. No insurance company, authorized or licensed to do business in the state ofRhode Island, that obtains insurance information through any residual market(mechanism), including, but not limited to, the assigned risk plans jointunderwriting association, including, but not limited to, the name of theinsured, the policy expiration date, the amount of insurance coverage, thepolicy number, the name of the insurance company or the amount of the insurancepremium, shall without the permission of the producer of record use thatinformation for marketing or soliciting so as to eliminate the participation ofthe producer of record and shall be prohibited from selling or transferringthat information to any third party for those purposes, without the consent ofthe producer of record; provided, that nothing contained in this section shallbe deemed to prohibit an insurance company from offering voluntary marketcoverage as provided for in the rules of any automobile insurance residualmarket mechanism or to prohibit a workers' compensation insurance company fromsharing the name of the insured with a nonprofit medical service corporation ora nonprofit hospital service corporation.