§ 27-36-1 Representation. All hearings conducted in accordance with the provisions of this title andchapter 62 of title 42 shall be attended by the attorney general or his or herdesignee and he or she shall represent, protect, and advocate the rights of theconsumers at the hearings; provided, that if the hearings are related to a rateincrease request by a health insurer, then the hearings shall be open to thepublic and shall be held by the department of business regulation. Thedepartment shall promulgate rules and regulations to ensure that the generalpublic is given adequate notice. The term "health insurer" as used in thischapter includes all persons, firms, corporations, or other organizationsoffering and assuring health services on a prepaid or primarily expenseincurred basis, including, but not limited to, policies of accident or sicknessinsurance, as defined by chapter 18 of this title, nonprofit hospital ormedical service plans, whether organized under chapter 10 or 20 of this titleor under any public law or by special act of the general assembly, healthmaintenance organizations, and any other entity which insures or reimburses fordiagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive services to a defined population on thebasis of a periodic premium. It shall also include all organizations providinghealth benefits coverage for employees on a self-insurance basis without theintervention of other entities.