§ 27-41-71 Mandatory coverage for scalphair prosthesis. (a) Every individual or group hospital or medical expense insurance policy orindividual or group hospital or medical services plan contract delivered,issued for delivery, or renewed in this state on or after January 1, 2007,which provides coverage for any other prosthesis shall provide coverage forexpenses for scalp hair prosthesis worn for hair loss suffered as a result ofthe treatment of any form of cancer or leukemia; provided, however, that suchcoverage shall be subject to the same limitations and guidelines as otherprosthesis, and that coverage shall not exceed an amount of three hundred fiftydollars ($350) per covered member per year, exclusive of any deductible.
(b) This section shall not apply to insurance coverageproviding benefits for: (1) hospital confinement indemnity; (2) disabilityincome; (3) accident only; (4) long-term care; (5) Medicare supplement; (6)limited benefit health; (7) specified disease indemnity; (8) sickness or bodilyinjury or death by accident or both; and (9) other limited benefit policies.