§ 27-49-5.1 Insurer disclosure Qualified immunity. (a) An insurer and an agent authorized to act on its behalf, upon writtenrequest, may provide to another insurer or insurance industry relatedorganization whose purpose it is to investigate or assist in the prosecution ofmotor vehicle insurance fraud any and all relevant factually accurateinformation which the insurer may possess as to any motor vehicle claim orother information which may relate to whether a motor vehicle theft or motorvehicle insurance fraud has occurred.
(b) No insurer, organization or agent authorized to act undersubsection (a) of this section shall be subjected to any civil or criminalliability in any cause of action of any kind for releasing or receiving anyrelevant factually accurate information pursuant to subsection (a) of thissection if it acts in good faith and with due care solely for the purpose offacilitating the discovery and prosecution of the theft or fraud.