§ 27-7.1-21 Cost control Insured. (a) The director shall establish loss control standards for insured that meetcriteria designed to identify those insured that would significantly benefitfrom the adoption of a program to control workers' compensation costs. Thecriteria shall be established by the director and may include the number ofpersons employed by the insured, the amount of the insured's annual payroll,the amount of the insured's workers' compensation insurance premium, theexperience modifier of the insured, the class code of the insured, the injuryand illness lost workday rate of the insured, and any other relevant criteriaas the director may determine. The loss control standards may require that aninsured, in cooperation with its insurer, establish and maintain a safetycommittee, prepare and maintain a plan for medical evaluation and treatment,including immediate post-injury offsite care, establish and maintain a writtenplan for providing reasonable accommodation for injured workers to return towork, and implement other cost control measures acceptable to the director. Thedirector shall have the authority to establish a rating plan to effectuatecompliance with the loss control standards established pursuant to thissubsection. In establishing any rating plan, the director may create financialincentives to employees of insured to encourage the employees to assist incontrolling workers' compensation costs.
(b) The director may promulgate rules and regulations asnecessary to carry out the provisions of this section.