§ 28-10-11 Employment of strikebreakerprohibited. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, firm, or corporation, orofficer or their agents, involved in a labor strike or lockout knowingly toemploy in place of an employee involved in the labor strike or lockout anyperson who customarily and repeatedly offers himself or herself for employmentin the place of employees involved in a labor strike or lockout, or to employany person in place of an employee involved in a labor strike or lockout who isrecruited, procured, supplied, or referred for employment by any person,partnership, agency, firm, or corporation not directly involved in the laborstrike or lockout.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person who customarily andrepeatedly offers himself or herself for employment in place of employeesinvolved in a labor strike or lockout to take or offer to take the place inemployment of employees involved in a labor strike or lockout.