§ 28-11.1-3 Undue influence. (a) It shall be unlawful for any employer of a part-time elected official of anelected body to:
(1) Fire or threaten to fire the employee based upon his orher activities or decisions as a part-time elected official of an elected body;
(2) Attempt to influence the employee to introducelegislation or vote on any legislation through job discrimination,compensation, or adverse job action;
(3) Discriminate against an employee in any area of his orher employment because of his or her legislative activities, votes, or business.
(b) All violations of this section shall be referred to thedirector of the department of labor and training and, if not resolved, shall bereferred to the department of the attorney general for prosecution. Any person,firm, or corporation convicted of a violation of this section shall be subjectto a fine up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) or up to one year in jail, orboth.