§ 28-11-2 Day's work for street railwayemployees. A day's work for all conductors and operators now employed, or who maysubsequently be employed, in the operation of all street railways of whatevermotive power in this state shall not exceed ten (10) hours work, to beperformed within twelve (12) consecutive hours. No officer or agent of anycorporation operating streetcars of whatever motive power in this state shallon any day exact from any of its employees more than ten (10) hours work withinthe twenty-four (24) hours of the natural day, and within twelve (12)consecutive hours; provided, that on all legal holidays, and on occasions whenan unexpected contingency arises, demanding more than the usual service by thestreet railway corporation to the public, or from the employees to thecorporation, and in case of accident or unavoidable delay, extra labor may beperformed for extra compensation.