§ 28-12-10 Learners and apprentices. Notwithstanding any order or regulation previously issued under chapter 289 ofthe general laws of 1938, as amended, the director of labor and training mayprovide by regulation, after a public hearing at which any person may be heard,for the employment in the occupation at the wages lower than the wage ratesapplicable under this chapter for learners and apprentices as the director oflabor and training finds appropriate to prevent curtailment of opportunitiesfor employment, and to safeguard the wage rates applicable under this chapter.No employee shall be employed at wages fixed pursuant to this section exceptunder special license issued under applicable regulation of the director oflabor and training. After a learner or apprentice has been employed for ninety(90) days, he or she shall be paid the rate provided in § 28-12-3,notwithstanding any order or administrative regulation previously issued underchapter 289 of the general laws of 1938.