§ 28-12-15 Hindering enforcement Failure to carry out administrative requirements. Any employer who: (1) hinders or delays the director of labor and training orhis or her authorized representative in the performance of his or her duties inthe enforcement of this chapter, (2) refuses to admit the director of labor andtraining or his or her authorized representative to any place of employment,(3) fails to make, keep, and preserve any records as required under theprovisions of this chapter, (4) falsifies any record, (5) refuses to make anyrecord accessible to the director of labor and training or his or herauthorized representative upon demand, (6) refuses to furnish a sworn statementof the record or any other information required for the proper enforcement ofthis chapter to the director of labor and training or his or her authorizedrepresentative upon demand, or (7) fails to post a summary of this chapter or acopy of any applicable regulation or order as required by § 28-12-11,shall be deemed in violation of this chapter and shall, upon conviction, befined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundreddollars ($500). Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.