§ 28-18-7 Investigations and inspections Communicable diseases. The director of labor and training shall enforce and administer the provisionsof this chapter and the director or his or her authorized representative isdirected to investigate and gather data regarding wages, hours, and workingconditions in the homework industry in this state and is empowered to enter andinspect those places and records and investigate those matters as he or shedeems appropriate to aid in the enforcement of this chapter. The director oflabor and training shall inspect every home in which industrial homework ispermitted and the materials issued to the industrial homeworker. If theinspection discloses that the home is not clean, the director of labor andtraining shall order the tenant to immediately clean it. If the inspectiondiscloses that the home is in an unsanitary condition, or that there is aninfectious or communicable disease, he or she shall immediately notify thestate department of health and the local public health officials. The directorof labor and training shall report to each local health officer the names andaddresses of all industrial homeworkers in his or her city or town, and thelocal health officer shall notify the director of labor and training withintwenty-four (24) hours of any cases of communicable or infectious disease inthe industrial homeworkers' homes. The director of labor and training shallorder employers to suspend the distribution of homework to those homes untilfurther notice.